Course Overview
Best DevOps Training in Kolkata
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Course Outline
DevOps Training in Kolkata
- Module 1: Introduction to DevOps
- Understand DevOps, its roles and responsibilities
- DevOps problems and solutions
- Module 2: GIT
- Advantages of GIT over SVN
- GIT Installation and Configuration
- Setting up GIT Bash and GIT UI
- Creating first repository: Local
- Git commands
- Creating and merging Branch
- Resolving Merge conflicts
- Understanding the tags
- Module 3: Docker and Containers
- What is Container
- Difference between Containers and Virtual Machine
- Docker Installation and Configuration
- Major Docker Components
- Dockerfile & Docker Registry
- Docker Port Forwarding
- Docker volume persistence
- Overview of Docker Compose
- Docker Hub
- Creating custom docker image
- Module 4: Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Fundamentals
- Deploy Kubernetes Cluster
- Kubernetes Concepts – PODs, ReplicaSets, Deployments
- Networking in Kubernetes
- Deploy Applications on Kubernetes
- Module 5: Build with Maven
- Installing Apache Maven
- Maven Build Lifecycle
- Maven Repository
- POM Example
- Maven Dependencies and Plugins
- Maven Releases and Snapshots
- Maven Project Structure
- Module 6: SonarQube
- Different kind of Code quality tools
- Over view of Sonar
- Installation of SonarQube
- Running Sonar for a project
- Module 7: Terraform as an IaC
- Terraform basics
- Installation and Configuration
- Terraform with AWS
- Demonstrate using multiple providers
- Module 8: Apache Tomcat
- Introduction to Tomcat
- Setting up Tomcat
- Tomcat Manager
- Creating and Deploying a web App
- Module 9: Jenkins
- What is Continuous Integration and Continuous
- Deployment
- Jenkins installation and Configuration
- Jenkins Global Configuration
- Building your first Hello world job
- Jenkins User Management
- Jenkins Plugin management
- Understanding the Jenkins workspace
- Jenkins Most used plugin
- Jenkins pipeline plugin
- Module 10: Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana
- What is Monitoring
- Different tools of monitoring tools
- What is Grafana & Prometheus
- Install Grafana
- Login to Grafana & Create Dashboard
- Install & Configure Prometheus
- A Prometheus Dashboard
- Module 11: Configuration Management with Ansible
- Introduction About Automation
- Ansible architecture
- Ansible Modules
- Manage tasks by Adhoc commands
- Writing Playbooks
- Variables And Facts in Playbook
- Condition & Loop and Notify & handler in playbook
- Manage Templates file And Roles Structure
- Vault Encryption In ansible
- Ansible Integration with AWS Cloud